Welcome to Codename: Jimmy

Welcome to Codename: Jimmy

Hi, my name's Ian McEwan. Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I hope you will find interesting articles on various topics that I've worked on over time.

I'm an applied mathematician, which means I love getting into the details of why algorithms work and proving things about them while at least attempting to care about their practical applications.

My expertise spans measurement and control theory, information theory, signal processing, and applications of Clifford algebras, with a lot of experience actually implementing these in real devices. I also have a keen side interest in game development and graphics.

My aim here is to share tutorials, explanations, and some original work that I hope will be helpful, useful, and engaging.

I have plenty to talk about, so if you like what you see, please consider subscribing!

In the meantime, here are some pretty figures from articles in progress!